Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lindsay Lohan fired from film; The importance of having 'Bankable' people in our lives

Lindsay Lohan was cur from a upcoming movie called "The Other Side" because she's not "bankable," according a source connected with the production of the flick.
"Our team simply chose to move on from Lindsay and we'll soon be announcing a replacement." said the writer/director David Michaels.

Sources say that the people financing the film were kind of fickle about getting insurance on her.
This does raise an intriguing argument.  When movies are filmed, the directors have to get insurance on the cast and crew anytime they are about the shoot the film.  The more bankable and healthy the star seems, the more likely they are to gain insurance on them.  But do we, in some way, do this in our own lives?

When you are looking for a partner or a friend, do you want somebody who is profitable to you and your life?  Think about this when you begin to invest time into a friendship or relationship.  Is this person profitable to me and my life or are they a risk to any of my goals I am trying to achieve of life.

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