Sunday, April 11, 2010

Britney Spears Allegedly Strikes Boyfriend; When things get bad in a relationship

Britney reportedly HIT boyfriend Jason Trawick five or six times in the face after her recent breakdown, according to X17 paparazzi on the scene.

After working out at a gym,decided to turn around and meet up with her boyfriend Jason at his place in West Hollywood.

"Jason wanted to bring his car so he followed his girlfriend but at one point he decided to join her in her Mercedes G-Wagon and have her bodyguard drive his car. He called Brit on the phone to ask her to pull over, which she did, but she was blocking traffic and cars behind her started honking. This frustrated her and by the time Jason got to the car, she was ready to explode -- and she did!"

Britney flew into a rage and, according to our photographer, "hit Jason in the face five or six times!" Apparently she was slapping him in the face -- our eyewitness says he's never seen anything like it:

"Britney was really upset. It looked like she was taking out years of frustration on Jason when she was hitting him. It wasn't like this was anger from one incident. It looks like she hates the guy! Why would you do that to someone you love?"

Have you ever just reached a point in your relationship where things just weren't working anymore. Britney has been seen hysterically crying on several occasions after arguing with her boyfriend. It is better to get out of a relationship before things get this bad. Once you get to a point in your relationship where there is more negative than positive things happening, you probably need to take a step back, assess the relationship and see if it is worth staying in instead of dragging it along and bring yourself down as well as the other person.

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