Saturday, May 15, 2010

Unknown Entertainment Reporter named Jawn Murray takes aim at Erykah Badu and She Responds; The negative culture of our press

Erykah Badu responded to claims by an unknown entertainment reporter named Jawn Murray who gave one of her recent concerts a bad review. 

The unknown reporter had this to say in response on his twitter

Tom Joyner told me on-air that Erykah Badu is mad about my report from #TobagoJazzExperience. She's not happy that I said her show was bad.

I'm the one that should be mad! I had to sit thru that artsy-fartsy show full of obscure album cuts that no one knew! Get over it Erykah!

I wonder if Erykah is also mad at the thousands of people who walked out & the local Tobago media that panned her show? I guess not! lol
Erykah Badu responded to these allegations on the Tom Joyner morning show simply responding,  "Who is Jawn Murray?"

Jawn Murray takes regular digs at various celebrities on his spot on the Tom Joyner morning show.  He kind of reminds us of the black Perez Hilton, but a lot less popular.  It upsets us when people diss what they do not understand.  He has an opinion just like everybody else, but the negative way in which he went about saying it was what we did not like.  People love to hate what they cannot understand and often try to cast it down and negatively talk about it.  If you call yourself a "reporter" as he says it, your news media coverage is supposed to remain unbiased and for the most part.  When you take regular digs at celebrities like Badu and Solange Knowles, it does nothing but increase the negative environment that surrounds our celebrity culture and a discord amongst fans and the entertainers.  Erykah was right in responding "Who is Jawn Murray?"  Just because you have an audience to speak to, does not give you the write to spew negative statements about the celebrities who gave you the status you have now. 

This is with all reporters and bloggers.  This culture has become so negative.  It is time that we started being responsible and accurate when reporting these stories.  The people viewing these gossip blogs and columns no longer know the difference between what is real news and what is speculation anymore.  And adding a mean-spirited tone to your news or gossip stories does not help neither.  You have an impressionable audience.  People like this Jawn Murray guy and Perez Hilton have so much karma coming back to them and we all know it.  Do you want that coming back to you? You be the judge.

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