“He was found in possession of a charger for an iPod or an MP3 player and unauthorised earphones.” According to the source, the music player was not found, but officials are still looking. The Lollipop singer was caught out during a search at 8 a.m. It is believed he will be charged with an infraction. Investigators are trying to work out how Lil Wayne managed to smuggle the items into the jail.Lil Wayne went to jail earlier this year for a charge in 2007 for possession of a semiautomitic firearm.
We tend to take music for granted a lot and forget how transformative and enduring it can be. What would the world be like without music. We would NOT want to know. Music is life changing, mood changing, it is universal and speaks to many people on different levels. It IS the 5th element. Lil Wayne risked more jail time just for an MP3 player,that says a lot about how far we will go in order to listen to it.
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