Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sex Addiction: Myth or Reality?

Sex addiction has been seen and heard about so many times recently as a reason behind cheating in Hollywood.  Tiger Woods, Jesse James and Charlie Sheen have all used sex addiction as a reason behind their adulterer behavior.  What do you think?  Is this just a cop out for men?  Or does it have some validity behind it?  Can you, in fact, be addicted to sex?

Wikipedia refers to sexual addiction as the phenomenon in which individuals report being unable to manage their sexual behavior. It has also been called "sexual dependency," and "sexual compulsivity."  Sex addiction was arguably made famous by doctor and tv personality Dr.  Drew Pinsky.  The argument is that sexual addiction is not a real disorder, but a result of our culture and times.  Others have labled it a real disorder that can be diagnosed and treated. 

In the world of celebrity,  sexual addiction has mainly been observed in males.  Males are generally the more sexually active of the two genders and so this new-age phenomenom is attributed to them.  There are various facilities across the United States that do treat sexual addiction through programs. 

However, where is the line drawn when it comes to who can say they have sexual addiction.  It has been, notabally, used as a defense for extramarital behavior by some in order to save face.  This phenom should not be allowed to be spread past Hollywood.  There is no such thing as sexual addiction.  We try to put a label on everything in our society and need to just realize, some people are scum and cheat on their spouses; sometimes with multiple people.  Sex is good and is probably the most natural occurence between two humans, but saying that it could be an addiction is going overboard.  What if a husband had sex with his wife numerous amounts of times instead of committing adultry, would we call that a sexual addiction?  The line has to be drawn somewere because this cannot be used as an excuse to cheat.

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