Monday, May 10, 2010

Lawrence Taylor's accuser: "I was Kicked, Punched and Stomped on"

The minor who is the center of the Lawrence Taylor investigation into rape charger spoke to the New York Post about her entire experience.
The teenage hooker allegedly raped by Lawrence Taylor in a sleazy Rockland County hotel room told The Post yesterday about how her alleged pimp brutally forced her to have sex with the Giants great after she initially refused.

“I told him I wasn’t going to the hotel, and he said, ‘You’re f- – -ing this up, it’s $300,” the frightened Bronx girl, 16, said Rasheed Davis, 36, screamed at her early Thursday. “He hit me in the face, so I covered my face,” said the girl, whose name The Post is withholding. She crouched down on the ground to avoid Davis’ blows, but “[he] started kicking and stomping on me,” the girl said. Davis then dragged her to the Holiday Inn to meet with the Hall of Fame linebacker, barking instructions at her along the way, she recalled.

“He told me to tell him my name is Carmen and I’m 19 years old,” she said. “He told me repeatedly and I had to repeat it back to him.” When she arrived at hotel in Suffern, “the lights were off and [Taylor] didn’t see my face was bruised,” the girl recounted. “Lawrence asked me my age and I told him I was 19.” She said she feared for her life if she didn’t have sex with Taylor.

“If I didn’t go through with it, [Taylor] would’ve called Rasheed and there would have been consequences,” she said. “God knows what would’ve happened if I didn’t go through with it.”

On the drive back to The Bronx, the girl frantically text-messaged her uncle about the alleged assault and prostitution. “Tio [the uncle] help me,” she hurriedly typed out while still in the alleged clutches of Davis, according to a copy of the text shown exclusively to The Post. “I don’t want to live like this.” After getting the message, her uncle called 911 and cops were waiting at Davis’ home to arrest him.

The uncle said the girl is now in foster care, and her biological father is seeking custody.

We want to give you some more facts and stats on human trafficking to let you know how real it is in our country.
  • It is estimated that 14,500 to 17,500 people, primarily women and children, are trafficked to the U.S. annually
  • The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimate that 2 million children are exploited in prostitution or pornography every year worldwide 
  • Poverty and lack of economic opportunity make women and children potential victims of traffickers associated with international criminal organizations
  •   The National Runaway Switchboard says that one-third of runaway youths in America will be lured into prostitution within 48 hours on the streets.
  • In most countries, girls represent 80 to 90% of the victims, although in some places boys predominate
  • Children who are at greatest risk of becoming victims of CSEC are those that have previously experienced physical or sexual abuse.
Click here for more info on Child Exploitation and Visit the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children to see what you can do to help.

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