Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Snooki from 'Jersey Shore' dumps boyfriend for 'using her'; Tips for finding love 2010

'Jersey Shore' star Nicole 'Snooki' has broken up with gym trainer and boyfriend Emilio Masella after hearing that he was trying 'use her for her fame.'  Last week, Snooki of him auditioning for MTV's "Real World" and kicked him to the curb.

Masella initially claimed he fell for Snooki because of who she is, not her TV persona, a source told us, "Snooki realized he was just after fame all along. She ended it last week." Masella yesterday announced on Twitter, "Back on the market."
It seems like a lot of us are unlucky in love, even the stars.  Why does it seem like every person you meet is a complete douche or out to use you?  Have you reevaluated your standards?  Have you stopped looking in the places you would normally look for that life partner?  Sometimes changing your approach to finding that special someone is just what the doctor ordered.  Your special someone is out there waiting on you though they might not be exactly what you thought you were looking for.  Here are some tips on trying to find love in 2010.

  •    Hop off the social or dating networks.  Somebody can say they are one way, but when you meet them they are completely different.  At least when you meet somebody in person, you can get a good feel for who they are.
  • Picking up people in a club or bar is a no no.  More than likely you will never find your special someone in a club or bar.  8 times our of ten, they have been there before and have either been with or know everybody in that place. 
  • Encounters usually happen in the most random places.  Most of the time, you WILL meet that special somebody in the most random place.  Do not be so quick to brush off that guy you meet at the gas station or that girl you meet at the bookstore.  You never know where it may lead. 


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