Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mistress apologizes to Sandra Bullock; What's an Apology?

Michelle "Bombshell" Mcgee aka Jesse James' mistress apologized to Sandra Bullock in an interview with an Austrian TV Show Today Tonight. She had this to say, “Sandra, I’m sorry for your embarrassment. I’m sorry all this is public. I’m sorry for everything.” McGee also maintained, as she has all along, that she was “duped” by James, who she says told her that he’d split up with the Oscar-winning actress before they kicked off their 11-month affair. “I feel like I was lied to just as much as she was. If Jesse was upfront with me in the beginning, we wouldn’t be in this situation,” she said.

What details a sincere apology? Do you consider this a sincere apology? Has there ever been a time in your life when it was hard to apologize or accept an apology from someone who has caused you a bunch of hurt? In actuality, accepting an apology no matter how sincere it is can be very helpful to us. Even if it is not meaningful, it can help us reach that next step of moving on from any painful or embarrassing situation.

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