Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Organization plans to picked Constance McMillen's prom; Help for troubled LGTB Teenagers

Constance McMillen, who went to court over her school's cancellation of her prom due to her wanting to bring her girlfriend will be picketed at her prom by The Westboro Baptist Church.

The Kansas-based church also picketed a dead soldier's Matt Snyder funeral because of his sexuality.

“[We] will picket the graduation of Itawamba Agricultural High School to remind the parents, teachers and students of this nation that God said 'Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind, it is abomination.' This generation has been raised to believe that they can live for the devil and still go to heaven, that God has no standards and the biggest lie of all – that God loves everyone.”

It is sad that people still like like this.  This is a sad testament to the type of people we still have in this country.  But Fame & Change is hoping that through this blog, we can teach the tolerance and self-acceptance skills to combat these socially-toxic mentalities. 

If you are a teenager and are feeling scrutiny over your lifestyle or sexuality decisions, you are not alone.  It is our differences that make our country great.  You are an awesome person and should not change a thing about you.  We should also learn to accept each other for our differences.  Being homosexual or transgender is not wrong is the same thing as being a skin color, gender or culture.  For the church to be a so-called place of refuge, it does not act that way.  For more information on organizations that help trouble LGTB teenagers, click here

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