Wednesday, April 14, 2010

M.I.A. blasts Lady Gaga, calling her a "good mimic"; Our critical culture

M.I.A. recently blasted Lady Gaga in a NME interview when asked about the comparisons between the two.

“She models herself after Grace Jones and Madonna but the music sounds like 20-year-old Ibiza disco. She’s not progressive, but she’s a good mimic. She sounds more like me than I fucking do! That’s a talent… but she’s the industry’s last stab at making itself important.”

We are not taking sides on this one, but this comments are quite harsh considering Lady Gaga prides herself on being original and an artist.

Theoretically, we live in a culture where we are so quick to criticize someone else for the things they do.  Sometimes we can become so self-righteous that we cast off anybody who isn't like us.  Our differences are what make us unique and downing somebody for having their own style, is not helping us progess forward.  We should learn how to apprciate the next person in a way that everybody can be happy. 


  1. I feel above all things people should be most critical about the arts or things like sports because people make SOOOO much $ and we as consumers have the right to know what our artists and celebs feel or what they really stand for. Lady GaGa is a gimic and should NEVER be compared to someone like M.I.A. Because she is Sri Lankan, doesn't sing pop, writes about global issues etc she has never been popular, but because Lady Gaga is White and sings pop she makes a lot $ Please do your research Lady Gaga used her real name and hair and was a folk singer when she first came out Style is Aaliyah JayZ Missy Usher gimics are Nicki Minaj Justin Beiber Lady Gaga n Sasha Fierce I listen to ALL of the aforementioned artists but today people do seem to cling to gimics more than the actual art and artists who are gimics should be okay w/ the fact that consumers notice it, but still pay $100 to see them in concert.

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  3. I admit, a lot of those artists are gimics, but they are artists nonetheless just like M.I.A. M.I.A. can't get to a point where she can criticize somebody else and demean their hustle. I believe all artists should just do their own thing because, at the end of the day, they all have to sell records and get their music heard. M.I.A. is a politically and socially conscious artist and should have her opinion, but not at the expense of demeaning somebody else's. Now if she criticized music industry politics, that would be a more progressive conversation. I hate it when artists down other artists art. It is ok to be critical in an educated way, but not in a self-righteous way.
