Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tiger and Jesse James Mistresses': Fame at any price?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard of the many mistresses speak out about their sexual exploits with the two married men. Just when you think everything is over with, more come out the woodwork. Tiger had an alleged 12-15 mistresses and Jessie James is up to five or six now. What is even worse is that these women are receiving all types of negative publicity and are taking advantage of their fifteen minutes of fame at the expense of the wives of the adulterers. The media's obsession with this is so bad that Vanity Fair has actually done a spread with some of Tiger's mistresses.

At what price would people go to for fame? Why would any respectable woman want to exploit themselves for negative attention? It is hard to see and I feel sorry for all these women involved. Why is the public allowing the media to feed into this attention? We know everybody loves a good scandal, but at what expense to the innocent involved and why give the perpetrators in this situation any more attention then what they deserve. We need to reassert our values in America when it comes to negativity and press.

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